The Patented Mobile CLEAN CUBE or MC3 unit was originally designed for the Marine Corps for use in frontline modular, mobile deployable clinical space to give an injured soldier an exponentially better chance of survival in the field.
The arrival of COVID19 to the US in the spring of 2020 gave Synergy Med the opportunity to rapidly modify designs and engineering from a military battle field application to a multi-use civilian application for expanding, ebbing and flowing clinical capacity solutions.
MC3-RR (Rapid Response) units contain many technological innovations aimed at improving care and safety for caregiver, patient and others. It is an extremely durable, modular, expandable, upgradeable, and fully transportable multi-use environment. The MC3 is a mobile, scalable, clean-clinical environment that can be designed, engineered, manufactured and delivered to the deployment site with “lights on” in just weeks VS months or years for standard constructed environment. The units can be designed as stand alone or be configured using multiple units delivered and installed as one.

Contamination and potential infectious agents are controlled with integrated, automated dry hydrogen peroxide delivering a 3-4 LOG reduction in bioburden while space is occupied. When a greater decontamination is needed Synergy Meds patented sequence of operations delivering integrated, automated vaporized hydrogen peroxide to achieve a greater than 6 LOG decontamination of the clinical or other space.
Some examples of clinical/flex space include: CLIA certified BSL 2/3 laboratory, quarantine/temp beds, test/triage/clinical triage, team care/patient support, storage, first responder quarters, hallways, storage, waiting, etc. PPE & equipment decontamination, physician sleep quarters, vaccine storage and laboratory or freestanding clinics.